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The State Department plans to 5 years to resolve the serious excess capacity photovoltaic, wind power and not included in the
The State Council to solve the excess capacity and then a punch.
The State Council issued the "about yesterday, resolve the serious excess capacity guidance contradictory" (hereinafter referred to as "guidance"), to actively and steadily resolve the iron and steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, plate glass, ship industry overcapacity contradictions, for illegal project will hand out, plan 5 years made significant progress. The advice will be beneficial to accelerate the integration of adjustment of the industry, leading enterprises also hope have good correlation.
To solve the excess capacity is a new government overall steady growth, adjusting structure, promoting transformation, to create another major move Chinese economic upgrade version, is changing the mode of economic development, the current and future periods to promote industrial structure adjustment of focus. Reporter from the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of industry and information technology department was informed, the relevant departments in the work to formulate appropriate policies and measures, the "guiding opinions" issued, consistent with echo.
"Guiding opinions" points out that, to solve the excess capacity, in order to optimize the inventory control increment, actively and steadily push forward industrial restructuring and upgrading. That is, respectively, "digest a number a number, transfer, integration of a number, eliminate a number of" excess capacity; focus on the system and mechanism innovation, speed up the transformation of government functions, promote the transformation and upgrading of industry.
According to the characteristics of the industry, iron and steel, cement, files are put forward, electrolytic aluminum, plate glass, shipbuilding and other industries separated policy advice, and determined to resolve the serious oversupply of production capacity of 8 main tasks of contradictions, including forbid the construction of new capacity projects, comprehensive rectification has been completed and the illegal production capacity, and resolutely eliminate backward production capacity, promote enterprise merger and reorganization, efforts to open up the domestic demand, improve the structure of demand, consolidate and expand the international market.
According to the plan, before the end of 2015 and eliminated ironmaking, steelmaking, 15000000 tons of 15000000 tons of cement (clinker and grinding capacity), 1 tons of flat glass 20000000 weight boxes.
"Guidance" from the aspects of strengthening and perfecting the industry management, strengthen land environmental regulation, improve the financial and taxation policies, put forward to resolve the supporting policy measures overcapacity contradictions. The whole idea is the coordination of industrial, environmental protection, land and financial policies, inhibit the formation of excess capacity. For violation of the project, does not allow for approval, filing and provide land, environmental impact assessment and credit support. Among them, the lack of legal procedures for construction projects, will not be allowed to lending, bond issuance, listing and financing.
Notable is, photovoltaic and wind power are the two major once before being included in industries with excess capacity, considering the long-term strategic development needs, not into the specific measures.
"Guiding opinions" put forward, in resolving the excess capacity, and tap the potential of domestic market, absorb some excess capacity. Including the application of steel structure in the construction field, to improve the field of steel structure using the ratio of public buildings and government investment in the construction of light steel structure, in the promotion of natural disaster such as an earthquake, a high incidence area of integrated housing seismic building; promote the building materials to the countryside, the steady expansion of steel, cement, aluminum profile, the flat glass market demand. Optimization of shipping structure, accelerate the elimination of outdated ships etc..
At the same time, the revision of relevant standards, improve the construction steel, concrete and glass products use standard, promote upgrading of products. And accelerating the development of marine engineering equipment, marine engineering equipment market.
Among them, on the flat glass, proposed guidance, the revision of flat glass and product standards and application specification, in the new construction and renovation of existing buildings using conform to the standard of energy saving doors and windows, to encourage the use of low radiation hollow glass, support both upgrading production line, high quality float glass original film proportion.
"Policy to encourage and guide the cement, plate glass product upgrades, to advanced technology, the strength of the enterprises to occupy the market." Analysts say.
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